Amphibians and Reptiles

Oshawa Second Marsh is an essential habitat for frogs and toads. These amphibians depend on the perfect mix of land and water that wetlands provide.

Many fish rely on tadpoles as a source of food, while larger wading birds rely on frogs as their source of nutrition. Frogs in return rely on insects for their food supply.

A total of 8 species of reptiles (turtles and snakes) have been recorded in and around Oshawa Second Marsh.  In the province of Ontario, there are about 30 documented species (OMNR, Nov., 1997 data).  Species like the common Snapping Turtle, Midland Painted Turtle and Eastern Garter Snake are frequently encountered here, while others on the list as not always present, or seldom seen.

We have recorded a total of 10 species of amphibians (frogs, toads, salamanders) within the study area.  In Ontario 26 species are encountered (OMNR, Nov., 1997 data).  The American Toad, Northern Leopard Frog and Green Frog are the species most often seen here, while others such as the Northern Spring Peeper and Wood Frog are somewhat less frequently seen.  Others on the following list are considered to be very uncommon here.

While little is known about why amphibians and reptiles are declining worldwide, biologists do know enough to be concerned about organisms that have survived on this planet for over 200 million years. Friends of Second Marsh have been involved in the Great Lakes Wetlands Amphibian Monitoring Program in an effort to understand the changes and implement initiatives, which will restore and enhance existing habitat.


Common Snapping Turtle
Midland Painted Turtle
Red-eared Slider
Blanding’s Turtle
Spotted Turtle
Northern Red-bellied Snake
Brown Snake
Eastern Garter Snake
Milk Snake (last noted 1987)
Eastern Musk Turtle


American Toad
Northern Spring Peeper
Striped Chorus Frog
Gray Treefrog
Wood Frog
Northern Leopard Frog
Pickerel Frog
Green Frog
Blue Spotted/Jefferson Salamander
Red Spotted Newt